Our Team

Nadra Ahmed OBE DL
Chairman - National Care Association
Nadra has been involved in the field of social care for over 30 years. Until 2005 she was the Registered Manager of two private care homes for older people having developed and run services since 1981.
Nadra’s background is in training and education which has been the passion that drives her towards a quality service underpinned and provided by a skilled workforce. She continues to champion the role of education in the delivery of a quality service through her company Kent Care Training Associates which is a not-for-profit
organisation based in Kent.
She has been Chairman of NCA since 2001 and was the Vice Chairman of Skills for Care for 11 years having been appointed at its inception. She is also a trustee of SCIE and Parkinson's UK and was a Council Member of the LSC (SE).
Nadra holds a number of positions within voluntary organisations both nationally and locally delivering services to vulnerable people in the community, including Patron of Rockdale Housing and President of Hi Kent. She has recently been appointed to the Alzheimer's and Dementia Society in Kent as a Trustee.
She has been a member of a number of advisory committees in the DoH including a number at Ministerial level and served on a number of government Taskforces. Nadra is currently working on three strands of the forthcoming Health and Social Care Bill, the financial implications, the workforce issues and Safeguarding
She is a regular contributor to journals and national and international conferences and is frequently called upon by the major media networks to represent the views of social care providers.
In 2006 she was awarded the OBE for her services to Social Care.
She is the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Kent and a Kent Ambassador.
Nadra is driven by the desire to ensure the delivery of quality services to the most vulnerable members of our society.
James Ollis
James provides support to training and care providers to ensure they are able to easily access our web-based service. He is able to provide answers through our helpline on workforce development issues.